- All shipments made by KAVIVA LIFE SCIENCES LLP falls under DDU.
- Once goods are delivered to the Shipment carrier, risk of loss and the title for such items pass to the customer. In the event that a non-delivery occurs on account of a mistake by customer end (i.e. wrong name or address, etc.) any extra cost incurred for re-delivery during this process will be solely bared by the Customer placing the order.
- Shipment of goods can be availed under STANDARD carrier and EXPRESS carrier services, depending upon the online option selected by the customer. Usually under STANDARD carrier time duration required is of 12-15 working days for the delivery of goods, while in EXPRESS carrier time duration required is of 5-6 working days for the delivery of goods. The company shall try its best for prompt delivery; however delayed/early delivery for whatever reason shall not entitle the customer for any damages or compensation and the company reserves the right to deny its services to any customer, without any explanation.
(+91) 7861077202 / (+91) 8000029945